Reina & Rooster

A sweet little friend of mine, Reina, has always made a point of finding me after church or on the street to invite me to her home for a visit.  She’s a petite little hard-working woman with a generous spirit.  She and her granddaughter, Rossy (16, so articulate, so intelligent, so cute)  live together down the street from me.  Their backyard defines the word “menagerie”.  There are tiny piglets wiggly around here and there among proud roosters and other pick-pecking creatures, and friendly dog-mutts filling her patio and garden. I said I wanted to hold the enormous pure white rooster who leads the gang.  I had no idea it would cause an upset but as Reina grabbed him, he resisted so much that it seemed like a good two-thirds of his lovely white feathers went flying through the air.  He did stay still long enough for a picture.


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