I haven’t had a cat since I was very young, growing up in Marlin, Texas.  It became clear that I was very allergic to them and I’ve avoided them ever since.  But, I couldn’t pass up this sweet thing that showed up inside my house, perched on a pillow one morning.  I seem not to be the least bit allergic to her, so she has become my little Paraguayan companion. She loves music and comes running from wherever she is outside and gets comfy inside my violin case to listen and fall asleep to the music.

November 1, 2014

Dear Diary,

Michi is scheduled to be spayed this morning and it’s a dark outside with a steady downpour. I hope the vet is still planning to be there for our appointment.  In Paraguay, rain in any amount brings all plans to a halt. Classes are cancelled, the handyman doesn’t come, meetings are no-shows.

Michi is staring intently at me, frequently telling me she wants breakfast which I cannot give her, dang it. I’ve explained this to her, including the “dang it” to indicate I would if I could. I’m grinding my teeth about the whole thing.  She, on the other hand, seems fairly neutral about being neutered although I’ve explained the details in full to her. Her biggest concern at the moment is no breakfast.  She’s complaining loudly and I’m pacing.

Oh, she is quiet now, seemingly resigned, as we wait ’til time to call the taxista.  I will keep you informed as the morning progresses.


Cat Lady


¡This just in! Vet cancelled. Michi and I are celebrating with some warm milk poured over toast crumbles. She’s purring and I guess I am, too..

Here’s Michi after the surgery a few days later.



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