Dear Frank,

This past week, my good friend, Debra, came to visit and we, as usual, spent great quantities of time simply catching up. After such a visit, I marveled at how lovely an abiding friendship is – one of support, encouragement, and warmth. Those priceless elements made me think about a song I had first heard over a decade ago, entitled Glorious, and the happenings surrounding having heard it.  

My Peace Corps friend and fellow volunteer, Shalissa, had introduced it to me while we were serving in Paraguay (2013-2015). After hearing its moving words about finding your way in the world, it seemed so fitting to be taught to a group of Paraguayan teens during an upcoming event. More than 100 young girls and boys would be attending our Peace Corps camp that was designed to get them thinking about their future, where they wanted to go and ways to reach their goals.

Shalissa, fluent in Spanish, translated the lyrics and we listened to its encouraging words and studied the message with those young adults, discussing their dreams and helping them to identify their unique package of gifts and talents.

Now, as I listen to it, I’m taken back to that week and remembering the look in their eyes, actually even more, their entire countenance, as they began realizing their potential. They were becoming empowered right then and there as they were acknowledged specifically for who they are. In turn, they learned the benefits of doing the same for those around them. It became clear to them that it’s a sort of circular thing.

It seems to me that so many times, at our core, all we need is to be championed. It’s easy to decide that someone’s personal use of their natural abilities is their own business, i.e., “It’s not my concern… and besides that, we can’t do it for them”.  But then, I remember: we are one body. It IS our business.  

And too, if we aren’t on the receiving end, if we’re missing that in our lives, it feels like a vague emptiness we can’t quite identify. On the smallest of levels and the largest of levels, each of us can benefit greatly from that luscious moment when we hear someone tell us in their own words, a few things (or a lot) regarding the good they see in us – our capabilities, our talents, our expertise, the good stuff contained within us that’s there to be put into action. We were created with a unique package and unwrapping it is such a lovely part of our growth experience. Plus, those around us can play such a dynamic role in that process.  

The great thing is that once we are fortified, we spill over. We find that we are enabled to do the same for someone else. We can be that person for our child, our grandchild, their teacher, a parent, our friend, our partner, our coworker, and even a stranger.

The Servant Song is another piece that speaks to this idea. Serving others can indeed include inspiring and encouraging them.
“We are pilgrims on a journey,
We are trav’lers on the road;
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.”

A rendition of Servant Song can be heard here:

Now, back to that first song – here are the lyrics: 


There are times when you might feel aimless. You can’t see the places where you belong.

But you will find that there is a purpose. It’s been there within you all along. And when you’re near it, you can almost hear it …

It’s like a symphony!  Just keep listening and pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part.  

Everyone plays a piece, and there are melodies in each one of us.
Oh, it’s glorious!

You will know how to let it ring out as you discover who you are. Others around you will start to wake up to the sounds that are in their hearts. 

It’s so amazing what we’re all creating.  It’s like a symphony. Just keep listening and pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part. Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies in each one of us.  

Oh, it’s glorious! 

If you’d like to hear it sung, here’s a link:



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