Hi, Frank, 

Bess and I have talked nonstop these past five days while here at Casa Alfaro! Much of the time it’s been in Spanish as we discuss remodelación details with Armando. So, I’m trying to integrate newly-learned words into my every conversation! (I’m sure it’s obvious because I grin too much at how fun it is). For instance, yesterday my question of Armando and Bessita started with “Potencialmente” and another with “Hipotéticamente”. I had to contain my excitement at how good those words sound as they roll right off the tongue! Que hermoso idioma es el español.  

This has been a quick trip to work with Armando on more details as we plan the coming final months of the project. This shade of green tiles ok? What are our final options to make the skylights work well in the historic section?  We are now ready to meet with Lee to give him our findings, decisions, and exclaim with him continuously as to how honored we all feel to be a part of this incredible endeavor.

We are learning more and more of the lovely reputation this little town of Atotonilco (translated- “The place of hot waters”) carries. When discussing the house with various artisans and friends in San Miguel de Allende and surrounds, they quickly exclaim how fortunate it is to have a home situated in such a very sacred place, under the wings of El Santuario. We are steps away from this magnificent place. You can read more about the revered church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site here and here.


We did get so many details discussed and planned. A very productive and fun time. I’ve included lots of photos to show you. You’ll see where Bessita and Armando are casually standing on the edge of the roof (!) and a photo of me grinning profusely about a magnificent antique embroidered piece we want to use. You’ll see a glass-enclosed bathroom and it’s open-air bathtub and shower. Excited about how it turned out. Also, look for the cross on the cupola, placed there by the workers. They move it from place to place during this project.  


Many rooms are nearing completion, so it’s time to furnish them! 

We’ve had a blast inventorying what we’ve collected, gathering more things, designing headboards and upholstered furnishings, collecting artwork and mirrors, plus planning what antique artwork, furniture and accessories need repair, making the custom orders, all to be ready after the new year. Below is a Teatro de Marioneta that we couldn’t pass up, a birdcage, and a multi-votive wall hanging that will make such a stunning statement!

Un tiempo maravillosa! Soon, it will be time to go home to celebrate a glorious holiday season with family. Frank, I hope yours is toadally fabulous! 🐸 

Wishing you and all readers of FranklyJane – love, joy, and peace, 🕊



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