On Christmas Eve, I stepped out my backdoor and saw that two big ol’ fat frogs were bathing in a bowl of water I have at the foot of a water spigot.  The next night, there was only one and he was enjoying a quick bath.  I determined that Santa had given me a gift subscription and perhaps I’d have one per night.  Turns out, that may be true, because there has been a frog in the frog pool every night since!

The bowl has been a fresh source of water for Panty, my black cat, but is now a popular watering hole for neighborhood frogsters.1499551_10152090969034722_1563126708_n 1499551_10152090969034722_1563126708_n 1545859_10152096564364722_393391923_n 581161_10152103666024722_2045202138_n Frank-the-Frog is very pleased to have these guests with us each night.  Actualmente, I think they can no longer be considered guests.  They own the place, hopping freely around the back patio at dusk.

My youth group has given them names as follows:  Juan Antonio Sapo, Petunia Pimienta de Sapo Guareña, and Maria Concepcion Sapo.  I believe we’re going to have to put a mark of paint on their backs to tell them apart.

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